BaFa’ BaFa’
In Bafa’Bafa’ participants come to understand the powerful effects that culture plays in every person’s life. It may be used to help participants prepare for living and working in another culture or to learn how to work with people from other departments, disciplines, genders, races, and ages.
Cultural Detective
Cultural Detective™, is a series of culture-specific training tools which cover 35 culture versions for public training and individual use. The tools allow participants to develop intercultural competence in themselves and the organization. The Cultural Detective method has been used by major corporations in Asia, North America and Europe with resounding success for twelve years. It is now available in fully-developed, ready-to-use culture-specific packages.
An online intercultural training game that tests your intercultural knowledge and increases your cultural competence for living and working in a global environment.
Cultures Crossing
Cultures Crossing offers cross-cultural simulations which allow (business) students at many levels to learn the complexities and intricacies of intercultural negotiation through an interactive, hands-on, guided process.